Next time you are on Facebook, you should try the new video chat feature. The video service, called 6Rounds, has brought its service to Facebook and changed their name while they were at it. Now it is simply called Rounds. 6Rounds offered an extension for Google Wave and now that Wave has ended its short life, the service needs a new home and what better place than Facebook?
Rounds offers more than you would expect. First off, it allows live video chat without having to download and install any software. If you have ever tried to walk your parents or grandparents though installing video streaming software so they can see live video of the grandchildren, I am sure you can appreciate this. But it doesn’t stop there. While you are chatting, you can bring up a YouTube video or Google map within the session for both parties to view. If watching videos and chatting aren’t enough for you, you can also fire up a game that you can play together.
The service offers other little features that are more fun when you discover them on your own, so I’m not going to spoil that for you. Head over to Facebook and start a Rounds video chat to see for yourself (yes, the pun was intended).